Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jay Debauchery's Top 10 Records of 2009

Sorry this is a tad late but...whatever.
10. Vee Dee - Public Mental Health System (Criminal IQ)
I've dug everything this Chicago band has put out so far but those albums and singles were pretty much straight ahead fuzzed out punk with the songs clocking in around the 2 minute mark. With Public Mental Health System these guys have gone into full on Stooges overload with a heavy dose of psychedelia thrown in for good measure. I still think Furthur is still tops but I dig where these guys are going and can't wait to hear what's next.

9. Obits - I Blame You (Sub Pop)
So, Hot Snakes are kaput but at least John Reis started another band (The Night Marchers, who are killer but I sure would like another Sultans record) but what about partner in crime (Drive Like Jehu, Pitchfork) Rick Froberg? He started Obits and their record has been one of the most criminally ignored albums of last year.

8. Social Circkle - City Shock (No Way)
Awesome, snotty 80's style hardcore punk.

7. Smith Westerns - ST (HoZac)
Like a glorious mix of shoegazer and early Bomp! records material. The Smith Westerns are pretty young (between 17-19 when this was recorded) which is pretty shocking that, you know, teenagers now want to ape Nuggets-style rock instead of Owl City. Thank the fuck christ for that.

6. The Spits - IV (Thriftstore)
The Spits never disappoint. I think this might be their best record of synth drenched Killed by Death punk weirdness yet.

5. Thee Oh Sees - Help (In the Red)
John Dwyer fucking rules. Pink and Brown, Coachwhips (come on John, the last record was killer so give us just one more), and the Hospitals are all rad bands this man is responsible for. And now he ventures into less noisy, brit-psychedelic terrain and it's just killer.

4. Them Crooked Vultures - ST (DGC)
Dave Grohl, Josh Homme and John Paul Jones have successfuly created the first rock supergroup that doesn't suck donkey balls. This record fucking slays.

3. Pissed Jeans - King of Jeans (Sub Pop)
Everyone was on this bands nutsack when Hope for Men came out and now no one cares. Why? Pissed Jeans are one of the few bands around doing justice to the Jesus Lizard's sound.

2. Marked Men - Ghosts (Dirtnap)
This is bittersweet because it is probably the last Marked Men album we're ever going to get. Sure, you can say "indefinite hiatus" but I don't buy it. And I'm super bummed because the Marked Men have been one of the best bands around for the 00's not to mention the best band spawned from Texas.

1. Future of the Left - Travels with Myself and Another (4AD)
mclusky is one of my favorite bands of all time so when Falco and co. put a new record out, no matter what the band is named, you can bet your ass I'll be the first one to throw some cash down. Buddyhead sums it up the best:"There are very few bands out there that are writing songs this well-constructed and instantly memorable and there are NO bands out there that sound this fucking punk while doing it. Take notes kids, this band has being rad down to a science."

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